Sunday, December 29, 2013

Look Not Behind Thee (Genesis 19:17)

Yo. check this out. Right now. Or later. But you should probably check it out soon. :)

I havent ever been super familiar with many Bible stories. It AMAZES me how interesting they truly are! How in the world can I possibly skim over such mind blowing experiences, relationships, lessons? The story of Lot's wife is remarkable. I mean a pillar of salt?! That sure makes me want to never look back on anything. This has got me thinking. Like exactly the moment I typed that previous sentence about not looking back on anything. I thought of how I have been looking back for quite some time! We always wonder how our lives would be if we were to have chosen a different route. In high school I always to picture myself attending Timpanogos instead of Mt. View. MV is and always will be the best though ;). Anyways, I have been looking back here and there if I have made the right choice about where I attend school. Which is silly because I know Dixie State is THEE best place for me. Right now. But I wanted to go to Utah State so so so so so so Stinkin bad. Sometiems I just get thinking things like, "why? I could have been having so much fun, maybe I'd be dating more? Maybe, maybe, maybe. But truly I'm doing Perfectly fine. Truly! I'm here at Dixie State for reasons that are known, unknown and being revealed to me throughout my time there. The Lord truly knows what is up. Keep praying. If that doesnt help, then pray some more. Then top that off with one more prayer. He is there. He is real.

A quote by Robert L. Millet (P.s. he is in my aunty's ward!)
    " God has made Himself available to ALL His Children... No scriptural invitation is given more frequently thatn the divine encouragement to ask, to seek, to knock."

I have been doing a lot of asking lately. I know I will continue to keep on asking. Its finally time I get my bottom in gear and seek, asking wont do everything. WE have to do something on our part.

The Church is True. :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Where Do You Get Your "True" Meaning of Christmas?


    So, we often get caught up in the "Whoo-ville Sunk" during the Holidays. Or should I say "Stunk"? Actually I just made those two up. But don't worry they will turn very inspirational by the end of this. Keep reading-I know the suspense is killin you ;). 

I'll start this off by sharing my Awkward moment of the weekend. (There were plenty, but here is a major one). I've been SO excited to make my mothers christmas present. I saw it on pinterest MONTHS ago. Ive been saving it for December 25th. :) Hello. Its coming. In like 3 days. Have I put it together yet? NOPE. Anyways. I was sneakily hiding it under my blankets inside the freezing, ceiling-less, storage room(It really isnt bad, just hilarious). I ran to the room I'm staying in for this lovely holiday season. And grabbed my phone charger. In my rush to save my dieing phone. (Because it was "so" important to save those few seconds it would take to have to restart my phone) I jumped on my bed. 


Sorry Mom. Looks Like I'll be taking another trip to the store tomorrow.... Good thing this was the least expensive part of my little project. 

(HEY its 11:11! I'm makign a wish...........)

As I've been reflecting on my lack of attention it has brought wise words to my brain. Hopefully worth sharing. I Figure I ought to post atleast once each year. This makes TWO times in one year. (I think Im starting to get addicted to this whole blogging thing) Anyways... Back to my "Whoo-Ville Sunk". I was watching some of The Grinch today! I realized many things about the movie this time than ever before. Cindy is the most mature little girl. She is the one who takes all of Whoo-Ville out of their "Sunk". I dont even kow if thats the right word but it sounds cool. Just like how Dr. Suess would have liked it! But, we all know that each of us get caught up in Christmas Shopping, Santa Claus, all the excitement of gift "getting" and gift receiving. These are all great things. I have no shame in celebrating with all of these. I LOVE Christmas so stinkin' much. Everything that comes with it. Except...... the Contention. Christmas is supposed to be a "Merry" time. (And a "Married" Time-my roommate just got married yesterday!) Yet, like in The Grinch you see people running all over the place, flipping out in post offices, dropping gifts, fighting, competeting for the best lights, and materializing everything about Christmas.

 I know this is a typical post about Trying to keep the Christmas Spirit alive. But we are constantly needing this reminder. Not just during the month of December. I was sitting in Church today and the gal saying the closing prayer mentioned, "May we try to keep the Christmas Spirit each day of the year". How significant! But, what exactly is the Christmas Spirit? Not all of us are of the same faith, nor are we all religious. I sure hope if you're not religious... come talk to me. I'll tell you about a wonderful man named Joseph Smith. ;) But really. Anyways No matter what you believe in, or what you don't, Christmas is a magical time! Even if you only celebrate with gifts. It is still so rewarding giving gifts. And recieving them. Especially those heart felt ones. Like the ones I'm making for my brothers (T-shirts with picture of me that says "My favorite sister") HAH. Dont worry, they'll probably never read this post. Think about it. Everyone LOVES Christmas. Atleast in some small way. Even Ebenezer Scrouge figured out why everyone else loved Christmas. If you have issues with Christmas, Come talk to me. I'll make you some peanut butter fudge and we can watch halmark videos all day. There are so many reason to be happy during this Christmas season. And ALL seasons. I was reading another blog post today from a Friend who I met breifly at a cross country camp a few years ago. She is PHENOMENAL. She was diagnosed with brain cancer some time ago and she just posted about how there are perks to having cancer. Perks. By golly. We can easily find perks in being sick. WHY IN THE WORLD CAN WE NOT FIND PERKS IN BEING HEALTHY?! Be happy ladies and gents. "Open your eyes" As this girl says. Check out her post

So what is The Christmas Spirit to me? To me it is, Fun. It is loving, caring, warm, friendly, grateful, remembering, memorable, family, friends, CHRIST. "I am Mormon. I know it. I love it. I live it." I believe that Christ was born into this world to be the Savior. To do what only He could do. Die for all of our sins, our mistakes, our pains and sorrows. Though this does not mean we can freely jump about and do whatever the whoo-haw we want. But to know that when we, as humans mess up. That we can repent of it. During Christmas time we Celebrate and commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. I am forever grateful to Him. I know He lives. And I know that The Plan of Salvation is PERFECT. By golly does that sound grand. Even though we may be afraid of the future or what may come next. All we have to know is that it IS Perfect, The perfect plan and we will be satisfied, more than satisfied. Life is good now and if we continue to do what we should life will only continue to get better. 

I remember watching a movie/documentary a few years ago in my sociology class titled, "God Grew Tired of Us" (thats the trailer) When you see these boys celebrating and dancing, jumping up and down that scene is their  Christmas Celebration. How Fascinating! These people celebrate Christmas with Cheer, with singing with dancing. That is it. There is no Santa Claus, no materialization. They Celebrate their True meaning of Christmas. Whatever you believe grasp it and embrace it. Christmas is a cheerful time.  And remember to be cheerful all the time. It makes our lives and others so much better.

So please find out why YOU enjoy Christmas and make the most of it this week. And carry that joy through New Years, Valentines, St Pattys Day, Spring Break, End of semesters, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Activities, Workouts, dinners(free dinners especially), Having the self control not to pick at your nail polish for a whole day!