Basketball Season
What makes basketball games the best:
At our previous MV sophomore basketball game we played @ Timpview. Which was quite the day. Our team just kinda lost it. Played like children and could not, i mean COULD not make our shots and box out. So Monday's practice should be interesting... Anyways our Referees were... well quiet. (in nicest terms) Many of the fans were yelling at the refs for a wrong call. Which is kinda funny because honestly i think fans have a huge impact on ref's calls. I've been to games where a ref has changed his mind about a call. And it was ironic for the reason of the parents screaming their lungs out different calls. The two ref's at our game got lots of back talk from the crowd. Especially the younger one who blew his whistle one time that i remember. A girl on the opposing team got hurt so her coach rushed over etc. Our fans were going a little overboard saying things like, "its not a foul!" "Look she's still moving! not hurt!" So timpviews coach turned around and with a pretty big heart yell, "SHUT UP!! WE HAVE A GIRL WHO"S HURT" and honestly i was really scared. so was the rest of our team thinking she was gonna come up and deck him in the face or something. Luckily nothing happened the game continued and we lost.
JV's game started and us sophomores just kinda chilled. they lost also.. but fought hard!
Varsity game.... was just funny. it was like 12-0 1st quarter and we came back with a good hard win! During this game a woman next to my and Karli was filming the game and at one point her camera was turned on its side so our initial thought was to make funny faces. Which was absolutely HILARIOUS. no doubt. Just think about it. You sitting watching a basketball game and then two random girls making ridiculous faces at the camera. Pretty great huh? Just watch for it on Americas funniest home videos. Then we saw the shirt, Fartlek. No body on my team knew what it was!! which made it all the more funny to have them guess. But really its just an Indian Run. A line of people jogging around for a work out and the last person sprints to the front and it goes on and on. Thats all.
P.S. Since no one will probably read this except my mother, enjoy. and i need help i don't know how to change the background and make this look acceptable. Its just kinda boring at the moment.

You are awesome at BB! Stop rolling your eyes! A great attitude goes a long way. The game against Orem was a great game even tho you lost by only a few points. Grandma and I loved that game and had fun. Having fun is the most important part. Just do your best and the fun replaces loosing. I admire you in all your sports you do. You try so many things and love every one of them. You are the AmAzinG Haley! I love you
it was fun to hear about your BBgame since I don't have any jocks in the family yet. I bet that lady will be surprised when she checks out her camera later....
but not as surprised as I was when you jumped out of the back of the van on my date night!
just your mother. hm. sounds like you have a few moms then, eh? :)
Hailey!! I had no idea you had a blog? I LOVED reading about your b-ball games - sounds like a few of mine in high school, reading it made me reminisce. I would love to see you play!! When your season is over you need to come and play with us at the church on Tuesday nights!
Oh one more thing. This website has a lot fun things for decorating and revamping blogs. Enjoy!
I didn't know you have a blog, either! How fun! I'm excited to read it!!
I think you're awesome, Haley!!
Hi Haley, you cute girl!! Can you please tell me what your basketball schedule is? I'd like to try to come watch a game!!
Love your blog Haley!! Let me know when your next game is and i will come:) Love you!
I sounds like you are at least having fun with your games. I would love to come and see one. You never mentioned if the girl who got hurt in the game was ok or not.
Oh wow, i didnt realize how many people followed this! haha better sensor it! just kidding! I promise! :) and Thanks everyone! for those of you who want a brief schedule... Friday we play UP AT westlake so thats kinda far... then On Thursday the 20th We play TIMPANOGOS!!! At MV at 3:30! The games are like 3 bucks to get in..... so... yeah sorry!
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