Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sweet Potatoes Surely Are Sweet

Every had any plain sweet potatoes? 
   *yes? Good. you'll understand
   *No? eat some. Now.

This^ is sweet potatoes and bacon. Never tried it... just wanted to add a picture :) 

  Any who.

Id like to reciprocate(if that's the right word) some knowledge. Sweet potatoes are quite sweet--homemade. Not the "fry" lookin' things they serve at lunch. My suggestion: Cook up a good roast and throw in those sweet potato chunks. That's what my mother did tonight :)

Then I ate some oranges^^, and man do they make me happy! There is something about oranges that just make you smile. Definitely a great fruit. 

Chocolate milk? yes. :) not just any kind of chocolate milk but.. BYU creamery chocolate milk. When I move out... im going to take with me gallons of that milk. It is oh, so beloved.

Sitting here thinking about how the potato was like the cotton candy of vegtables. IT just melted away and went right into one happy tummy. Then the oranges added a spazazzzz and got me all happy... THEN the milk? goodness gracious was that a lovely experience. 

I am soooo very grateful for these little things today. All of this food is a blessing in our home and I am very lucky to have such a wide variety of foods to choose from each day. One day im going to make sweet potatoes and roast with oranges and chocolate milk for those who have never tasted it. My heart goes out to those in other countries. Food is a huge reason why I love America. We definitely could lighten up a little here..... ;) 

BE grateful for the little things. Like a full tummy after a long day of school, rehearsals, softball, and your car battery dying. I sure am.:) Im also very glad jumper cables are available. and good friends. 

 Have a HAPPY week everyone :)

p.s. I just learned how to correctly spell "Definitely" I was spelling it "Definetly" for sooo many years and never could get it right. 


Julie said...

Haley you are my motivation. YOU ARE MY HERO! I really don't know what I would do without you. I'm glad you liked the sweet potatoes. I love your cute little blot and all your cute little sayings that make me laugh. I love you!

Julie said...
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